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Accepting Applications for Next Year

To attend Smart Start Head Start children must be in between the ages of 1 year and 1.5 years at the start of class. The admission process in Smart Start Head Start is based on ongoing enrollment. You may enroll your child at any time throughout the year. Acceptance into the class is based on availability. We take the time to interview each family prior to awarding acceptance into our schools.
For more information send an email to
At what age are children accepted?To attend Smart Start Head Start children must be in between the ages of 1 year and 1.5 years at the start of class.
What Is A ‘Voucher’?A child care voucher permits families eligible for subsidized child care to access child care services outside of the ACS-funded programs. Funding for vouchers is extremely limited, and the wait for a voucher can be very long.
How can I get an ACS child care voucher?Use ACCESS NYC to determine if you may be eligible for early care and education services. Vouchers are issued based on available funding.
I have a child care voucher and my child has special needs. What should I do?Special Needs Applications are available for children who have been determined by a licensed professional (who fills out the medical forms) to have special needs and also currently receive ACS vouchers. Parents can request a special needs designation and a special needs rate for their child’s provider. Child care providers can receive a reimbursement rate once they provide child care services which are appropriate for the child and demonstrate increased costs as a result of the child care. Please follow the instructions on the Special Needs Application (CFWB-001) to request the special needs designation. To request the special needs rate, providers should complete each section of the CFWB-001 and submit the current documentation of disability and/or expenses related to care. Download the Special Needs Instructions and Application form (CFWB-001)
What are ACS-Funded child care programs?ACS directly funds child care services for eligible families at more than 300 child care centers, and family child care networks as well as over 250 Head Start programs. All ACS-funded child care centers and family child care networks are registered by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to make sure they meet NYS and NYC standards.
Do the children get exposed to outdoor activities?We have a private, completely enclosed outdoor play area for the children to use. We want to encourage nature as a part of our curriculum.
Can I bring in food from home for my child?We provide children with healthy cooked meals. A monthly menu calendar will go out each month. No outdoor food is allowed for children.
Does my child have to be potty trained?No, we work with you and your child during this process. Teachers will let you know when they are ready and how you should work together to make the potty training process a smooth journey.
What are your center’s hoursOur hours are Monday thru Friday 8AM to 5PM.
How long has the center been open?Smart Start Head Start has been in business for over 10 years providing service to the Kings County community.
Do you have any enrollment fees?We do not have any registration or enrollment fees.
How often do you clean the rooms and toys?All of our rooms have cleaning schedules for different areas of the classroom throughout the week. It a teacher sees a child cough, sneeze or put a toy in their mouth the toy goes directly into the sink in the classroom to be cleaned and sanitized.
How safe are my children?We are 100% licensed and certified by the Board of Health and NYC Department of Education. Our entire staff undergoes a thorough background check, CPR and First Aid training. We have locked gates and doors at all time. We require valid identification before entry of the daycare center.
How many staff members are CPR and first aid certified?All of our staff members are CPR & First Aid certified.
What if someone other than my spouse/partner or me has to pick up my child?In order to protect your child, we require that you provide the names of any individual who has permission to pick up your child. We require advance notice from you when someone other than a family member will be picking up your child and require proof of valid identification. If we have any questions or concerns, we ask that you are available via cell phone to provide confirmation.
What is your policy regarding sick children?In order to keep our children, their families and our staff as healthy as possible, we require that any child with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or contagious disease be kept at home.
What is the policy of immunization?As per the NY Board of Health all children must be immunized unless there is a religious or personal purpose, which must be approved by a Doctor.
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